Chú thích Thượng Phục Hưng

  1. Marcia Hall, “Classicism, Mannerism and the relflike Style” in The Cambridge Companion to Raphael, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 224.
  2. Alexander Raunch "Painting of the High Renaissance and Mannerism in Rome and Central Italy" in The Italian Renaissance: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Drawing, Konemann, Cologne, 1995. Pg. 308
  3. Marilyn Stokstad Art History, Third Edition, Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey, 2008, Pg 659.
  4. Frederick Hartt, A History of Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture; Harry N. Abrams Incorporated, New York, 1985, pg. 601
  5. Christoph Luitpold Frommel, "Bramante and the Origins of the High Renaissance" in Rethinking the High Renaissance: The Culture of the Visual Arts in Early Sixteenth-Century Rome, Jill Burke, ed. Ashgate Publishing, Oxan, UK, 2002, pg. 172.
  6. David Piper, The Illustrated History of Art, Crescent Books, New York, 1991, pg. 129
  7. Jacob Burchhardt, Cinerone 1841.
  8. Franz Kugler Handbook of Art History 1841; Franz Kugler Handbook of Art History 1841.
  9. Hugh Honour and John Flemming,The Visual Arts: A History, 7th edition, Laurence King Publishing Ltd., Great Britain, 2009, pg. 466
  10. Mandred Wundrum, "Renaissance and Mannerism" in Masterpieces of Western Art, Tashen, 2007.
  11. Luigi Lanzi,History of Italian Painting, 1795-96.
  12. D. Watkin, A History of Western Architecture, 4th ed., Watson Guptill (2005) p. 224.
  13. Manfred Wundrum "Renaissance and Mannerism" in Masterpieces of Western Art, Tashen, 2007. Page 147
  14. Alexander Raunch "Painting of the High Renaissance and Mannerism in Rome and Central Italy" in The Italian Renaissance: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Drawing, Konemann, Cologne, 1995. Pg. 308; Wundrum Pg. 147
  15. Frederick Hartt and David G. Wilkins, History of Italian Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, 2003.
  16. Raunch pg. 309
  17. Wundrum pg. 148; Hartt and Wilkins
  18. Wundrum pg. 147; Hartt and Wilkins
  19. Frederick Hartt, A History of Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture; Harry N. Abrams Incorporated, New York, 1985, pg. 601; Wundrum pg. 147; Marilyn Stokstad Art History, Third Edition, Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey, 2008. Pg 659
  20. Stokstad, Pg. 659
  21. Wundrum pg. 145
  22. Wundrum pg. 147
  23. Stephen Freedberg, _Painting of the High Renaissance in Rome and Florence, 2 vols., Cambridge MA; Harvard University Press
  24. Alexander Nagel, "Experiments in Art and Reform in Italy in the Early Sixteenth Century", in Kenneth Gouwens and Sheryl E. Reiss eds., The Pontificate of Clement VII: History, Politics, Culture, Ashgate 2005, 385–409
  25. Elizabeth Cropper, "The Place of Beauty in the High Renaissance and its Displacement in the History of Art", in Alvin Vos ed., Place and Displacement in the Renaissance, 1995, 159–205
  26. David Hemsoll, 'The conception and design of Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling: 'wishing to shed a little light upon the whole rather than mentioning the parts', in Jill Burke ed., Rethinking the High Renaissance, Ashgate, 2012
  27. Jill Burke, 'Meaning and Crisis in the Early Sixteenth Century: Interpreting Leonardo's Lion', Oxford Art Journal, 29, 2006, 77–91